posted June 9, 2015 in category Living in Wroclaw
They are gaining more and more popularity and respect from their users - the readers. We, the people of the modern era, value access to information so why shouldn’t libraries become the information centers? The libraries of the 21st century, of course.
Media-library means modern library
Technological progress is visible in every aspect of our lives. We go to the cinema and watch 3D or 4D movies, we listen to music by means of all types of technological devices, we project visual materials through diverse image carriers. And we don’t borrow books from a library anymore. Now we go it’s modern sister - the media-library.
Media-libraries appeared in order to promote reading, make gaining knowledge more attractive and to create an inspirational atmosphere for young people and children. Media-library is an interactive centre.
Read, listen, watch
Media-libraries are equipped with modern devices (computers, laptops, projectors, displays). All that equipment enables us to make good use of multimedia, books, and music. Media-library facilitates learning through diverse information channels. And all that takes place in a creatively arranged space. Media-library workers are always happy to advise you, often in different languages (media-library at Plac Teatralny 10-12).
Language Cafe
This project has been launched for all people who are interested in improving their language skills. The classes are open for everyone who is able to communicate in a given language. The meetings are lead by native speakers who are happy to share their experience and knowledge in an interesting manner. Apart from the language practice, we can learn about the culture, customs and observations concerning the country under discussion. People meet in small groups (app. 10 people) at the premises of the media-library. They have already organized English, German, Spanish, Russian, and Italian classes. Language Cafe is waiting for you, too - just send an email to mediateka@biblioteka.wroc.pl.
Let’s go to the media-library
The media-library has over 9.000 active users a year. They lend app. 7 times more books that traditional libraries. They organize meetings, convents, and exhibitions - all the information is available on the website. And, they have 13 computers with free Internet connection J
Media-library: Plac Teatralny 5; www.biblioteka.wroc.pl; https://www.facebook.com/Mediateka58
Biblioteka multimedialna [Multimedia Library] Grafit: Namysłowska 8; https://www.facebook.com/bibliotekagrafit