posted May 6, 2014 in category Party hard
Beer, beer, beer... Good Beer Festival is just around the corner. We all count days to May, 9th impatiently! In the meantime, together with our friends form Zakład Usług Piwnych, we have chosen the top 10 of the most interesting beers you really have to try! And the choice was not an easy one, since the organizers have prepared 200 draught beers and 400 bottled ones. Don't forget that you can win 5x 50PLN vouchers in our photo contest!
Bitter, bitter, even more bitter!
Adrian – Rentingzone.pl
Beer does not exist without its bitterness. In fact, we can safely say that the more bitter the beer, the better. This is what God gave it to be and who am I to oppose :) Hops which flavours beer with its characteristic taste is the essence of this liquor - that is why I tend to look for styles whose production was generosely sprinkled with my favorite varieties of hops. Welcome to my Kingdome of Bitter Taste!
1. Shark, Widawa Brewery - definitely my favorite Polish beer! With this beer, I could accompany my breakfasts, dinners, and suppers. And also between the meals... It has an absolutely brilliant smell of citrus. And the taste - just as I like it - bitter, but with the pronounced aroma of American hops... Everything I look for in a beer!
2. Pale Ale Citra, De Molen - offered by the brewery which requires no introduction to beer connoisseurs. A classic. It belongs to India Pale Ale style - the one with clearly perceptible fruit aroma - of citrus, peaches, and white grapes. But do not be deceived by its smell and taste - this beer has no fruit additives; its fruity aroma is due to the types of hopes used to brew it. I am sure that a lot of you would be surprised with the effects you can achieve if you select the ingredients properly.
3. Samiec Alfa (The Alpha Male), Artezan - new style form Artezan brewery. A strong, lager-type beer, prepared with the addition of oak chips made of barrels used to mature bourbon. Apart from its bitterness, you can also feel the flavor of burnt and malt. I am more than sure that this is the beer you have never tried before - nay - you did not even expect it exists! This is definitely a style you just have to try... but be careful - this beer has 10 % of alcohol in it!
Because the world is all about being beautifully different!
Michał – Rentingzone.pl
Beer has more than one name - a number of styles, types, varieties of hopes and yeasts... all that leads to the fact that beers can differ more that you image. And so while looking for our favorite style, we will be surprised by the brewers more than once, we will get fascinated more than once... and disappointed a few times. But do not let that discourage you - the real joy is to discover and experience novelty. Welcome to my place, Treasure Hunters!
1. Lindermans Kriek – the cherry lambic. This beer is produced with the addition of unsweetened cherry juice to lambic beer (wheat and barley one) - it is brewed in what we call the spontaneous fermentation. This is the oldest method of beer brewing - Belgium’s pride and joy. The beer is not sweet, despite its fruity flavor - and it would be a great choice for all those who actually get discouraged by the bulk of bitterness offered by Adrian.
2. Hel & Verdoemenis, De Molen – “Hell and Damnation” as this is how we can translate its name, is a Grand Imperial Stout of the de Molen brewery. This is a complete opposite of the previous one - it is quite safe to say that form the cherry heaven, we drop right to the bourbon hell. This beer is absolutely unique, strong, and aromatic. I wouldn’t recommend ordering the large one though - it has 10.5 % of alcohol!
3. Angielskie Śniadanie (“English Breakfast”), Pinta - a type of Extra Special Bitter. But do not let its name deceive you! The noticeable bitterness is broken with the biscuit and caramel sweetness. Its smell of dry fruits makes this beer even more interesting. For me, this is the best Polish beer of all we have brewed in the recent years (in many years, actually), and in this case, I do recommend ordering the large one. It’s worth it.
Polish flavors first and foremost - we have a lot to be proud of!
Zakład Usług Piwnych
In the world of beer we have nothing to be ashamed of - meet the pride of Polish brewers! Three beers - each brewed by the Vistula River, each different, each special. We would like to encourage you to try what our domestic breweries have to offer. The beer revolution we are witnessing right now makes it easier for us to try unique, exceptionally well-done beers, produced in Poland precisely. Here are some of them:
1. Koniec Świata (“The End of the World”), Pinta - one of sahti style, brewed by the Polish contract brewery. This one is so special and unique, as no other Polish brewery ever produced this style before. It is also very rare. Sahti is original to Finland, and it fully embraces the atmosphere of that country. Its exceptional, unrepeatable taste is due to the use of yeast and juniper - and that is a must for all who seek non-typical beers.
2. Grand Imperial Porter, Amber - Baltic Porter is one of traditional styles in Polish brewery. The beer is dark, aromatic, very rich and strong. Chocolate and caramel taste, with the addition of dried plums lightens it, and makes it a beer which can be recommended to everyone.
3. Dwa Smoki (“Two Dragons”), Pracownia Piwa - beer form Cracow’s brewery, made in Wit IPA style i.e. wheat, but with strong hope addition, where we can feel the citrus aroma and taste, fitting perfectly the pronounceable bitterness. This beer is extremely easy to drink, refreshing, ideal for thirst-quenching. Although it is one of many recommended types, we really thank that you should get a large one - it’s worth it!
And the best for last - we have a surprise for you! Festival beer...
An absolute exception - beer prepared by the organizers especially for this year's Festival. This is something you really have to get - mainly because, in contrary to the aforementioned ones, this beer cannot be tasted later or somewhere else. Beer Nowy Baran! Try it and suprise yourself!
Our survival guide to the Festival will be published on Thursday - so stay tuned :)
Join the event on Facebook and invite your friends! Send a photo to our contest and win great prizes - more info here!