posted April 14, 2014 in category Living in Wroclaw
Not everybody knows that you can have your formalities handled in Wroclaw. Red tape is not scary anymore – thanks to the InfoLink team. They will help you deal with all important official matters. Learn how to face Polish office institutions easily.
There is a special information point for foreigners called InfoLink. Their aim is to provide formal support to all persons who feel lost in Polish ‘office’ reality and to help foreigners start their life in Wroclaw. Fortunately, red tape is not only Wroclaw’s problem, but is may definitely make a foreigners’ (and not only their) lives miserable.
Which formalities can be completed with the assistance of InfoLink, and what is considered the worst nightmare of Polish offices? Continue reading to find the answer.
How does InfoLink work?
It may be visited on each day of the week. It is a sole existing information point for foreigners. Consultants offer help in dealing with legal and business matters, and advise on issues related to spare time or private life – all charge-free. It is worth to go there in person, especially because you do not have to make a specific appointment before. You can also e-mail, call them, or get in touch on Facebook.
InfoLink knows 7 languages
You will be offered assistance not only in English language, but also in:
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- Portuguese
- German
- French
- Spanish
Useful idea
The idea to create a place as InfoLink in Wroclaw was a response to the demand. The city decided to help foreigners who encountered a number of difficulties such as formal and legal ones, those related to handling office issues, language barrier, which affected foreigners’ everyday life in Wroclaw. InfoLink is created to make it easier to handle formalities related to regularization, and to offer immediate help in contacts with Polish offices and institutions.
Foreigners’ real problems...
We do not always see these simple things which may be extremely difficult to face by a person who does not know Polish language. One of the biggest problems is probably the fact that office workers don’t know English language well enough.
InfoLink specializes in helping with formal matters as this type of assistance is the most requested by their clients. They will explain everything related to: registration of the place of residence and stay, legalization of stay in Poland, issuance of PESEL number, driver’s license, employment issues, health insurance. InfoLink will also help in search for housing.
More than formalities
InfoLink plans to expand their services, as their goal is to build Wroclaw’s community of foreigners. There is a wide range of possibilities and ideas, so you may start looking for integration-oriented events for foreigners in Wroclaw.
Don't hesitate to contact InfoLink advisors!